Snow White And The 6 Ugly B*stards
Poor Snow White, hated by her aunt, the Wicked Queen Chlamydia and desired by the Queen’s evil henchman Herpes.
Will Snow White be able to survive her coming of age and become the most beautiful woman in the kingdom?
Or will the foolish Widdles and his mother Dame Dixie Normous along side the Dashing Prince be able to save the day? The answer lies deep in the dogging woods where six mysterious men live in a secluded cottage.
Full of music and madness this show takes the traditional pantomime and turns it on its head!
This show is suitable for over 18’s only. It contains bad language and sexual references and is not for the easily offended.

Snow White
Snow White
Cordie has performed at various prestigious venues such as Her Majesty’s Theatre with the EPDA troupe. Cordie has appeared in the UK tour of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat” as part of the children’s choir on numerous occasions. She also played an orphan in the UK tour of “Annie” alongside television favourite Su Pollard. Cordie is currently part of the EPDA elite team which provides dancers to the UK theatre tour of “Down at the Diner, performed by the Jukes.” After appearing in the Dearne Playhouse pantomime production for the last two years as part of the ensemble, Cordie is excited to perform in the first adult panto. As she kindly stepped in at the last minute, she hasn’t had time to shit herself about the role! She also missed the read through and has no idea what she is letting herself in for.
Dame Dixie Normous
Daniel would firstly like to point out that his characters name in this show is very, very apt, as yes it is! He has been performing all his life, but a few years ago he thought it would be better for his development if he actually did it in front of an audience. He has lived in Doncaster all his life and performed plays, sketches, musicals and pantomimes all over. As a member of many theatrical groups, he has earned himself a reputation, although legally we can’t speak about it. It was whilst playing the Scarecrow in the summer panto at the Dearne Playhouse Danny discovered the thrill of dressing as a lady. One day when he though he was alone in the wardrobe department he was strangely drawn to a pair of huge false boobs. He just knew he had to try them on, a dress quickly followed and the urge to run through the theatre screaming ‘I am free!!!!’ at the top of his lungs was too much for him to handle. Luckily the director for Laffin’ Boi happened to be in the building and an adult dame was born. Danny played Dame Widow Wanky in our sold out Aladdin production to much critical acclaim, well the critics said he was shit, but any publicity is good publicity right? And because we couldn’t find anyone else to play the role Danny is back once again to make a complete fool of himself!
Matty has been involved in theatre for many years, we know he doesn’t look old enough. He started in Cinderella at the Dearne Playhouse back in 2006. He then performed in Kes and Treasure Island, which were produced by Far Out Theatre Company. Matty has appeared in many pantomimes for DCMWS often as the fool, not that he was type cast. He then moved into the director’s chair, successfully directing and starring in Jack And The Beanstalk and Aladdin. This is the third adult pantomime Matty has played the fool. After playing Jack Swallocks in Dick And His Cat and Winky Wanky in Aladdin he returns as Widdles. The biggest question we know is on your lips and you want answering is, will the mankini make another appearance?
Joe trained at the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts, where he gained a BA (Hons) in Musical Theatre. His TV and film work includes History Boys for National Theatre and he even played an urchin child in a banned Nik Naks advert! He has performed for most of his life, both professionally and for fun, playing some fantastic roles over the years. Joe also has a fantastic tribute show called A Boy Called George. Pantomime is very close to Joe’s heart and it has played a huge part in his career. He has played everything from comic to villain and has even donned the frocks as a dame. Joe has been with Laffin’ Boi Productions from the start, being like herpes, once you have it there is no getting rid, playing Buttons in Cinderella And The Two Ugly Slags, King Rat The Pimp in Dick And His Cat and the evil Abanazer in last year’s Definitely Not Disney’s Aladdin. This year he is back as the revolting parasite, Herpes The Henchman. Although he assures us that they are cold sores but don’t let him kiss you at the end of the show, or you may end up infected!
Queen Chlamydia
Leah has trained in musical theatre from a very young age, she has performed in both professional and amateur productions around the UK. Some of her theatre credits include The Wizard Of Oz at the Barnsley Lamproom, The Wicked Queen in Snow Queen, Nancy in Lionel Bart’s Oliver and Babette in Disney’s Beauty And The Beast. Leah was also a member of the resident show team at a 5 star-awarded holiday camp in Cornwall. She currently works as a full time princess party performer, playing the roles of Queen Elsa, Snow White, Cinderella amongst many others. This is Leah’s third adult pantomime with Laffin’ Boi Productions, having played Dom Cat in Dick And His Cat and Jasmine in last years Aladdin. She is very excited to play Evil Queen Chlamydia in this show and would like to point out she has not nor ever had chlamydia and has the text results from the sexual health clinic to prove it on her phone!!
Prince Cumhard
Trevena has been a natural performer all her life, she has been singing and dancing since a child. It was Trevena’s childhood to become a Redcoat at Butlins, but instead she became a podium dancer, get your minds out of the gutter, it’s very artistic. She works for an events company doing stilt work, fire performances and character acting whilst continuing to dance and balance a full time job. She currently works for Pastiche Entertainment Company as a multi skilled performer and most recently in Cyberdog in London. Trevena just has a passion to perform and would love to progress into stage and film. This is Trevena’s first show with Laffin’ Boi Productions and she is very excited to be playing Prince Cumhard! Although she readily admits that she read the advert wrong and thought she would be getting her hands on a male part, not auditioning for one! But with an attitude like that we are sure she is going to fit right in with our slightly uncouth Laffin’ Boi family. We are going to have to watch her around some of the props though!
Campy - Ugly Bastard
Steven is no stranger to Laffin’ Boi Productions, Having been a part of our very first show, Cinderella, playing the part of the Fairy Godmother, Fairy Muff. He then returned in last year’s production of Aladdin playing the campest Genie Of The Lamp you will ever see. It was a no brainer to ask Steve to carry on the campness and play Campy one of the 6 Ugly Bastards. He has also played one of the Ugly Sisters in a family version of Cinders at the Dearne Playhouse. Steven is also charged with the music production for Laffin’ Boi and other shows in the South Yorks area. Steven is a renowned vocalist and has performed at venues all around the UK. Steven also works as a dance teacher and choreographer at the Emma Pilling Dance Academy, teaching modern, musical theatre and street dance. His other theatre credits include Benny in Rent, Lead Vocalist in Best Of Broadway, Horse in Full Monty and Rum Tum Tugger in Croft House’s production of Cats. He is excited to be back and can’t wait to share the stage with such an amazing and talented cast. He is a little concerned that he is being typecast though!
Sleazy - Ugly Bastard
Rob has appeared in all our adult pantomimes so far. He was one of the Ugly Slags in Cinderella, our very first production. He then took the role of Baron Fitztightly (yes it does) in Dick And His Cat and he played the Emperor Of China in last year’s Definitley Not Disney’s Aladdin. Rob started onstage with Far Out Theatre Company, performing in their productions of Treasure Island, Allo’ Allo’ and Kes. He then became a stalwart of the DCMWS January pantos at the Dearne Playhouse appearing in such productions as Babes In The Wood, Jack And The Beanstalk and many more. Rob is loving playing Sleazy in our production of Snow White, as he feels he has much he can bring to the role. He has been preparing for this part all his life and has had plenty of practice!
Doobie - Ugly Bastard
Nev has been involved in theatre for over 20 years now. He has appeared on stage in many productions such as West Side Story, Summer Holiday and Copacabana. He also has plenty of pantomime experience having written, directed and performed in many. This is Nev’s first adult panto and his first time working with Laffin’ Boi Productions He would just like to point out that he was very nervous about playing this role, as he has never, ever smoked weed or indeed taken any illicit drugs in his entire life, ever, honest your honor! You may all wonder why the name Doobie, well Disney will sue a church group for using something then, and after a threat of legal action, a few changes had to be made here and there! Nev is really looking forward to working with such a wonderful cast and hopes that the audience has as much fun watching as we do performing it!
Alcey - Ugly Bastard
Jeff is no stranger to Laffin’ Boi Productions as he played one of the Ugly Slags in our first production Cinderella. There wasn’t much makeup needed for that part! More recently Jeff appeared in Greasborough Operatic Society’s production of The Sound Of Music at the Rotherham Civic. He was also one of the pirates in the summer production of Peter Pan and played the Ghost of Jacob Marley in Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, both at the Dearne Playhouse. He has also appeared in over 10 pantomimes for the DCMWS and in January 2020 he will directing their family production of Cinderella, which is a Laffin’ Boi script. Jeff is really looking forward to bringing the character of Alcey to life in Snow White, as Jeff prides himself on being a method actor, the role of an alcoholic is perfect for him as he has been known to enjoy a tipple before most of his stage work, and will most likely really be pissed on stage!
Wanky - Ugly Bastard
Tom has been working in the entertainment industry for many years, he recently took the lead in a Greatest Showman tribute. He also performs as a childrens party entertainer as various superhero’s and can often be found fooling around in dinosaur outfits on a weekend as a Trex and Blue the Raptor in events up and down the UK. This is Tom’s first ever panto role and he is slighlty nervous, but very excited. And when we offered him the part of Wanky he was so happy he popped of for one, he did say he was going for a number two, but we know the truth. Tom is a very proud family man and loves nothing more than spending time with his daughter, although she isn’t old enough to watch Tom make his panto debut. He cannot wait to get on stage in his first adult pantomime, and is looking foward to working with this group of people.
Tranny - Ugly Bastard
Will has extensive experience in theatre, both on and offstage. He started with a school production of Moliere’s the Miser many, many years ago. Will has also written, directed, produced and starred in several of his own plays, such as Another Bite and Splish Splash. This is Will’s third show with Laffin’ Boi Productions after playing the downtrodden Baron Hardon, Cinderella’s father, in our first production Cinderella And The Two Ugly Slags. He also starred in last year’s sell out show Aladdin, as Dill one of the hapless police duo Dill & Doe, seeing Will as a naked life size cardboard cut out is a sight we will never forget, nor can un-see!! Will is back in this production playing Tranny, a role he assures us he has no previous experience with, we are not so sure as he looks rather comfortable in a long blonde wig and a bit of lippy on, and that crop top fits a little too well.
The Mirror Of Truth
Gaye returns to Laffin’ Boi Productions after playing Cinder’s wicked step mother Syphilis in our first ever adult panto, a role she excelled at and scared us all as to how convincing she really was! She is lovely in real life though, honest! She also played the Great Sultana of Morocco in our second production, Dick and His Cat. She has appeared on stage in more than 30 different productions with a variety of roles from Annie Wilkes in Misery, Blanche Dubois in A Streetcar Named Desire, she also played Sue’s mum in Rita Sue & Bob Too. Also starring as a few baddies in panto including Abanazer. Most recently she took the role of the Snow Queen in a production of Snow Queen. Gaye would like you all to know that she really struggles with the bad language in the script, as she never swears at home!
The Dance Team
Rachel is a dance teacher and choreographer, although she doesn’t want you to know where she teaches as she has a great reputation that she doesn’t want to jeopardise! She has been dancing from a young age and qualified with the BATD ten years ago. This is her fourth show with us and feels the shows get better every time, although we are unsure if the choreography does, although she blames our poor choice of music!
Julie Boyles
Julie has been dancing since the age of three. She took examinations to a high level and then had a break to have a family. She returned to dancing at an adult tap class 12 years ago and hasn’t looked back since. This is Julie’s fourth show with us and she loves it. Although often back stage asking for some of the more crude jokes to be explained!
The Dance Team
Vickie took up dancing 20 years in adult life, as a way to make new friends and keep fit. Not sure if we are the type of friends she had in mind, but she keeps coming back to perform with us! She has taken part in yearly shows with her dance school and this is her fourth adult pantomime, she is one person that we don’t need to explain the jokes to!
Jade Wilson
At last some youth has been injected in our dance troupe, Jade is in her early 20’s when the other 3 are pushing 40, from the wrong side! Jade has danced since the age of 3. She has been in various stage productions and annual dance shows. She also attended High Melton College for Performing Arts and Dance and graduated with a distinction. This is Jade’s first adult pantomime with us and her Nanan isn’t very happy about it!